Central Florida Writers & Publishers Guild
Central Florida Writers & Publishers Guild
The Central Florida Young Writers Project is designed to engage our inner-city youth in developing their writing talents into passions, which will in turn add personal intrinsic value to our young writers. Our goal is to bring every student to the realization that, of the various of talents each individual.
This year, we celebrate 3 new teens who graduated from our Youth Publishing Program:
Tuition is free. Parents agree to have their children receive writing, publishing and marketing instruction and guidance from the Central Florida Writers’ and Publishers’ Guild (CFWPG). Classes will be held once per week for one hour, via Zoom, on Tuesdays from 5 to 6pm, unless otherwise directed by instructors of CGWPG. Students are expected to attend each class and to complete all assignments.
At the end of the program, students will be awarded five (5) paperback copies of their book. Required attendance must be over 80% of 12 weeks; make-up possibility. Books will be published by Williams and King Publishers. Published books will be available on Amazon.com at retail cost in paperback format. The retail cost shall be determined by Williams and King Publishers. Books can be purchased by the author at fifty percent of the retail price from the publisher.
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